Bennet: Eagle to Receive $26,900 USDA Rural Development Grant to Preserve and Improve Housing for Seniors
Eagle Grant is part of $71,226 Awarded to Colorado Rural Communities
October 7, 2009 – (RealEstateRama) — Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, announced today that local efforts to repair local housing units for elderly residents will get a $26,900 boost from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
The funding, which will be awarded to the Northwest Colorado Council of Governments through the USDA Rural Development Housing Preservation Grant Program, will be used to rehab a 36 unit elderly Section 515 property in Eagle. The upgrades will include energy efficient lighting, replacement of kitchen and bathroom counters and replace old furnaces with more efficient furnaces.
“Colorado’s seniors deserve access to safe and affordable housing,” Bennet said. “This funding will help our communities make much-needed repairs to rural housing so that they can continue to provide a secure and reliable place for our seniors to live. ”
Housing preservation grants ensure that rural single and multi-family housing stocks are adequate, meet current safety standards and are accessible by individuals with disabilities. Grants are awarded to non-profit organizations, local governments and Native American tribes, who in turn provide loans, grants or loan and grant combinations to eligible applicants.
For further information on rural programs available in Colorado contact your local USDA Rural Development office or visit