Energy Department Announces Dates and New Contests for Solar Decathlon 2017 in Denver, Colorado
The U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon 2017 student design competition, which challenges collegiate teams to design, build and operate solar-powered houses that are cost-effective, energy-efficient and attractive, will take place October 5 – 15, 2017, in Denver, Colorado, Energy Department and Denver officials announced today
Senate Passes Bennet-Backed Measure Supporting Wind Energy
Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet today joined his Senate colleagues in support of an amendment to the Energy and Water Appropriations bill that boosts funding for wind energy. The measure adds $15.4 million to the $80 million already included in the bill to bring it on par with the funds appropriated in recent years. $30 million of that total is slated for the National Wind Technology Center (NWTC) at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in Golden.
DeGette, Bipartisan Group of Current & Former House Member & Senators Join to File...
Congresswoman Diana DeGette, joined a bipartisan group of 44 current and former Senators and 164 current and former House members to file an amicus brief in support of the Obama administration’s historic ‘Clean Power Plan’ (CPP). The CPP will reduce carbon pollution and address climate change, save consumers $155 billion by 2030, create jobs, and prevent 90,000 childhood asthma attacks through 2030. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit is considering a challenge to the rule in West Virginia et al. v. Environmental Protection Agency. The full text of the amicus brief filed today can be found here and a full list of the 208 current and former members of Congress that signed can be found below.
Bennet Secures Extensions of Wind PTC, Solar ITC
Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet secured extensions for the wind production tax credit (PTC) and the solar investment tax credit (ITC) in a bill Congress is considering to fund the government and extend several tax-related provisions. The long-term extensions finally give certainty to renewable energy manufacturers and producers in Colorado and around the country.
CU-Boulder researchers use wastewater treatment to capture CO2 emissions and produce energy
Cleaning up municipal and industrial wastewater can be dirty business, but engineers at the University of Colorado Boulder have developed an innovative wastewater treatment process that not only mitigates carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, but actively captures greenhouse gases as well.
Court decides Colorado renewable energy law constitutional
In a precedent-setting decision, the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the constitutionality of Colorado’s renewable portfolio standard (RPS) yesterday, ruling that the state’s RPS does not impose unlawful regulations on out-of-state companies.
In their written opinion, the judges determined that Colorado’s RPS would not harm interstate commerce.
Udall Introduces Bill to Encourage Colorado Communities to Develop Solar Energy Projects
WASHINGTON, D.C. - June 27, 2013 - (RealEstateRama) -- Mark Udall, who serves on the U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, re-introduced his Solar Uniting Neighborhoods (SUN) Act today. The bill, developed based on ideas from Udall's 2010 Colorado Energy Summit, would encourage homeowners throughout Colorado to buy into solar community projects by making them eligible for the same renewable energy tax credit homeowners receive when they install solar panels on their homes
Readout of Secretary Salazar’s Visit to Colorado’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory Site
GOLDEN, CO - July 16, 2012 - (RealEstateRama) -- Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar today visited the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) campus in Golden, Colorado where he toured the 327-acre campus’ state-of-the-art facilities and met with scientists regarding ongoing research on the development, commercialization and deployment of renewable energy.
Kentwood City Properties Celebrates 12th Anniversary at Unique Listing in Lower Downtown
DENVER, CO - May 13, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Kentwood City Properties, one of three leading real estate offices that comprise Kentwood Real Estate, celebrated its 12th anniversary on Tuesday, May 3, 2011 at a unique listing located at 1820 Blake Street in Lower Downtown. Kentwood City Properties opened its original office across the street on May 1, 1999. The anniversary gala showcased fine dining compliments of the Vesta Dipping Grill, plus an impromptu parade featuring 20 B-Cycles decorated with Kentwood logos and green balloons.
August 27, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- Gov. Bill Ritter announced today 23 New Energy Economic Development (NEED) grants to recipients across Colorado for renewable energy and energy efficiency projects that will help create and retain jobs, strengthen local economies, and save money and energy.
Udall Announces Bill to Create Jobs, Strengthen Colorado’s Clean Energy Economy
Bill Updates Income Tax Code for Solar Power, Offers Tax Credit for Homeowners who Invest in Community Solar Projects. Washington, D.C. - March 17, 2010 - (RealEstateRama) -- A month ago, U.S. Senator Mark Udall had the opportunity to spend a week listening to Coloradans' ideas for how to strengthen the state's economy during a visit to the Western Slope and at an Energy Jobs Summit he co-sponsored in Aurora. He heard firsthand from business leaders and citizens about ways he could partner with Colorado communities to create jobs and strengthen the clean energy economy. And today, Senator Udall rolled out the first of a package of clean-energy job-creation bills based on those ideas - specifically an idea he heard during a visit to Holy Cross Energy in Glenwood Springs
Bennet Continues ‘Fighting for Colorado Families’ – Visits Site of Geothermal Greenhouse in Pagosa...
On Visit, Hears from Local Officials on Maximizing Geothermal Resources to Benefit Region. Pagosa Springs, CO - August 18, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) -- Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, today visited the site for the Geothermal Greenhouse in Pagosa Springs with members of the Geothermal Greenhouse Partnership (GGP). During the visit, Bennet discussed their vision for harnessing the local resource to produce food for the community.
Rep. Perlmutter, Sen. Whitehouse Promote Energy Efficient Housing Legislation
S. 1379 Energy Efficiency in Housing Act of 2009 (Sen. Whitehouse) and H.R. 2336, GREEN Act (Rep. Perlmutter) Gives Real Savings, Real Investment by Promoting Energy Efficiency Homes. Washington, DC - July 8, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) — As our country continues to grapple with a slow economy, consumers are being hit hard by the twin burdens of a sagging housing market and rising energy prices. It's time to invest wisely in protecting family budgets and revitalize our built environment.
Rep. Perlmutter’s Green Housing Provisions Included in H.R. 2454 – American Clean Energy &...
Washington, DC - June 29, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) — U.S. Rep. Ed Perlmutter (CO-07), a member of the House Financial Services and Rules Committees, will insert key language into the final version of H.R. 2454 - American Clean Energy & Security Act (ACES). H.R. 2454 is being considered by the House today and will include two amendments sponsored by Rep. Perlmutter. The first amendment includes the language of H.R. 2336, the Green Resources for Energy Efficient Neighborhoods (GREEN) Act and the second amendment deals with limiting the establishment of a Building Energy Performance Labeling Program to new construction only
GREEN Act Gives Real Savings, Real Investment by Promoting Energy Efficiency Homes
Washington, DC - June 11, 2009 – (RealEstateRama) — Today, U.S. Rep. Ed Perlmutter’s (CO-07) GREEN Act (Green Resources for Energy Efficient Neighborhoods) was heard in the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Housing and Community Opportunity.